Chiropractor treating patient in Notting Hill



Our Osteopaths are experts in finding the true cause of your pain.

Then using advanced treatment techniques and corrective exercises, they aim to fix your problem for good!

International rugby players and cricketers trust us to fix their injuries. So you know you are in amazing hands at the Pro Performance Notting Hill.

“That was the best treatment I’ve ever had”

“Wow, you really treat the whole body”


“I’m definitely going to send my wife to see you”



Notting Hill Osteopath Clinic

We have helped people recover from: 

  • back Pain – Lumbar slipped/herniated discs, spondylolisthesis, lumbar facet pain & coccyx pain.
  • neck Pain – Cervical slipped/herniated discs & whiplash.
  • Thoracic & rib pain – Intercostal neuralgia, thoracic joint pain & muscle spasms.
  • pelvic pain – Pudendal neuralgia, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, pelvic nerve entrapments, cluneal nerve entrapment & osteitis pubis.
  • headaches – Migraines, cervicogenic headaches & dizziness.
  • shoulder Pain – Frozen shoulder, rotator cuff tendonitis, labral tears & thoracic outlet syndrome.
  • elbow Pain – Tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow & olecranon bursitis.
  • wrist Pain – Carpal tunnel syndrome, RSI, wrist tendonitis & sprains.
  • Hip Pain – Psoas/glute/hamstring tendonitis & femoro-acetabular impingement.
  • Knee Pain – Patello-femoral tracking syndrome, knee ligament/meniscus pain & patella tendonitis.
  • Ankle & Foot Pain – Achilles tendonitis, tibialis posterior tendonitis, plantar fasciitis & ligament sprains/tears.
  • Pregnancy Pain– Pelvic girdle pain & symphysis pubis dysfunction.

Osteopathy Fees


New Patient Consultation including 1st Treatment 


Follow Up Treatment  


Our osteopaths are covered by various insurance companies listed for each individual clinician below:


Sam Spriegel

Osteopath registered with Axa PPP, Axa Global, Aviva, Vitality, WPA, Healix, Healthcare RM, Cigna, Allianz, Simply Health and Bupa Global.


Kinga Reinecke

Osteopath registered with Aviva, WPA, Healix, Healthcare RM, Cigna, Allianz, Simply Health and Bupa Global.
Please speak with your insurance company before booking an appointment, you will need to obtain an authorisation code if you wish for us to bill them directly.


Find answers below to our most frequently asked questions about Osteopathy

What is an Osteopath?

An Osteopath is a medical professional who specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions. Osteopaths must undertake 4 or 5 year degree in Osteopathy and be registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) The title Osteopath is protected under law, meaning that you cannot refer to yourself as an Osteopath unless you are registered with the General Osteopathic Council.

What does an Osteopath do?

An Osteopath diagnoses and treats all forms of neuromusculoskeletal conditions eg. back pain, neck pain and sports injuries. They use a combination of case history, orthopaedic tests and palpation to identify the root cause of an injury. Then they use a range of physical treatments to relieve pain and restore normal function to the muscles and joints. Finally they use corrective exercises to restore optimum biomechanics and strengthen weak areas of the body.

What do Osteopaths Treat?

Osteopaths treat all kinds of different conditions. They most commonly treat back pain, neck pain and sports injuries. However, they are incredible at treating conditions like plantar fasciitis, cervicogenic dizziness and headaches too. Here is a list of the most common conditions our osteopaths treat:



Jaw pain, bruxism

Shoulder impingement syndrome, frozen shoulder, rotator cuff injuries

Tennis and golfer’s elbow

Hand and wrist pain, carpal tunnel syndrome

Neck pain – Slipped discs, cervical facet joint syndrome

Thoracic facet joint pain, rib pain, costochondritis, intercostal neuralgia

Lower back pain – Lumbar disc pain, sciatica, lumbar facet joint syndrome

Hip conditions – Osteoarthritis, Femoro-acetabular impingement syndrome, clicking hip syndrome

ITB syndrome

Muscular strains

Knee pain

Shin splints

Ankle sprains

Achilles tendonitis

Plantar fasciitis

What is the difference between a Chiropractor and an Osteopath?

At Pro Performance, the only difference between osteopaths and chiropractors is the spelling. They all treat conditions the same way, so it doesn’t matter who you see, you’re in safe hands. They both diagnose, treat and rehabilitate all neuro-musculoskeletal conditions in a safe and trustworthy manner. They both identify the root cause of your problem and address it within each treatment session.

What is Osteopathic medicine?

Osteopathic medicine is just another name for Osteopathy. Which is a profession that specialises in diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries.

Can an Osteopath help with Sciatica?

Yes,100%. Osteopaths are specifically trained to diagnose, treat and rehabilitate sciatica.

Can an Osteopath help with back pain?

Yes, back pain is the most common complaint that osteopaths treat. Over 90% of people will suffer with some form of back pain in their lifetime and osteopaths are specifically trained to help manage this very painful condition.

Is an Osteopath a doctor?

No, Osteopaths are highly trained in all forms of physical therapy. They do not prescribe medication like a medical doctor would for musculoskeletal conditions, instead they use manual treatment and corrective exercise to improve patients health at a deep level, rather than just masking symptoms.

What should I wear when seeing an Osteopath?

You should wear whatever you are comfortable in. However, if you are getting treatment for a lower limb problem, it would be beneficial to bring a pair of shorts with you. Likewise, if you have a shoulder problem, a vest top or sports bra is best so we can easily treat the area.

If you prefer to stayed fully clothed, then we can provide a patient gown for you.

What should I wear when seeing an Osteopath?

You should wear whatever you are comfortable in. However, if you are getting treatment for a lower limb problem, it would be beneficial to bring a pair of shorts with you. Likewise, if you have a shoulder problem, a vest top or sports bra is best so we can easily treat the area.

If you prefer to stayed fully clothed, then we can provide a patient gown for you.

Do Osteopaths treat sports injuries?

Yes, every single day!!! Sports injuries are second most common ailment that our osteopaths treat (after spinal pain). We are specifically interested in correcting the faulty biomechanics that led to the injury in the first place, not just taping the injury up until the pain goes away.

GCC, BCA & Functional Movement Systems Certified


Pro Performance Clinics are covered by major insurance companies.

Please ensure you notify them before starting treatment. Remember to bring any authorisation & policy numbers with you on the day of your appointment. If you have anything you would like to discuss with us prior to booking, call us on 02079711259 and our team will answer any questions you may have.

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